Connecting Django and Vue

In this article, we will walk through creating a Django project and integrating Vue.

Why Django?

Django is a powerful Python web framework that can be used to easily build clean, scalable, and secure web apps. Django’s tagline “The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines” gets at its goal to help developers build great web apps quickly. This makes Django a great choice, especially for Python developers, for building any size web application.

According to the Python Developer’s 2021 Survey, Django is the second most popular Python framework just behind Flask. Django is also the ninth most commonly used web framework overall and the most commonly used open-source server-side web framework (just ahead of Flask).

While Django is an incredibly powerful framework for building out your web app, it is used for server-side/backend programming, meaning that any dynamic changes won’t be shown on the browser until the user refreshes the page. This issue can be resolved by partnering with a client-side web framework like React or Vue.

Why Vue?

Vue is a fast and reliable JavaScript framework for building dynamic web user interfaces.

Combining Vue with Django allows you to take advantage of the scalability and security of Django on the backend while still getting speed and reliability on the frontend.

Now, that we know why we are using Django and Vue, let’s get started:

Creating the Django Project

Visual Studio Code is my editor of choice, so I’ll open the folder where I want to create my new project. I’ve named it django-vue.

Now, I will create a Python virtual environment and install Django:

  1. Open the Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Run python -m venv .venv to create the virtual environment.
  3. Run source .venv/bin/activate (Mac) or .\venv\Scripts\activate (Windows) to start the virtual environment.
  4. Run pip install django to install Django.
Setting up the virtual environment and installing Django


Now, I can create my Django project by running:

django-admin startproject project_name .

I’ll name my project djangovue_project. Starting the Django Vue project

The dot (.) at the end of django-admin startproject project_name . indicates that the project should be created in the current directory. If you leave it off, a new project directory will be created with a nested folder that has the same name, which can be confusing.

My folder structure now looks like this: Django Vue new project folder structure

At this stage, you can run your Django project with python runserver: Running the Django server

Navigate to to see your project in the browser! Django working in the browser

Creating a Django App

Let’s now create a simple games app, which will allow users to play different games and record scores.

  1. To create a new app, run python startapp app_name: Start Games App
  2. Now, we need to add our new app to the installed apps in Django: Add Games App

Configuring Views, URLs, and Templates

In order for our app to have actual pages that can be seen in the browser we need to configure Django views, urls, and templates.


Let’s configure a few different views for our games app:

  1. Open games/
  2. Import TemplateView from django.views.generic and create three new views: Create Game Django Views These views will be for a homepage, a page to play a math game, and a page to play an anagram game.


Let’s configure our URLs for the games app:

  1. Create a file called inside of the games folder.
  2. Add the following code to create url paths for each of our views: Create URL patterns for games app
  3. Open djangovue_project/
  4. Import include from django.urls and add the games urls to project urls: Add games urls to project urls


After we configure templates, we will be all set to view our pages in the browser!

  1. Create a folder called templates inside of the django-vue folder at the same level as games.
  2. Open up djangovue_project/ and update TEMPLATES so that Django looks for templates in your new templates folder: Update Templates setting
  3. Add the three files we designated as template names (home.html, math-game.html, and anagram-game.html): Create template files
  4. Now add the following simple HTML to each template where [Page Name] is “Home”, “Math Game”, or “Anagram Game”
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>[Page Name]</title>
      <h1>[Page Name]</h1>

To see these pages, run the server and go to:


Template Improvements

We had to repeat that same skeleton code for each of our templates. Let’s take advantage of Django’s template inheritance and build a base template that can be extended by each of our other pages:

  1. Create a new file in the templates folder called _base.html.
  2. Add the following code: Django Base Template
  3. {% block title %}{% endblock %} and {% block main %}{% endblock %} represent the places where we will add our page-specific content. For example, home.html could now look like: Update Home Template
  4. Do the same for math-game.html and anagram-game.html.

We can make an additional improvement to our _base.html template by adding header navigation so that all of our pages have links to each other:

  1. Open templates/_base.html.
  2. Add a header with navigation using the built-in Django url tag: Add header nav to base template

The built-in Django url tag will get the url path for you by interpreting Django urls. The syntax is:

{% url 'namespace:url-pattern-name' %}


Now, all of our pages that extend the base template have navigation! Navigation added!

Adding Vue

There are multiple ways to incorporate Vue into your Django project. In this article, we will be showing how you can add Vue to individual pages that need it.

Setting Up Your Vue App

We will be using the Vue CLI to work with Vue.

  1. If you haven’t already installed the Vue CLI, install it by running npm install -g @vue/cli.
  2. After installing, create your Vue app by running vue create app_name (I called my app “vue-games”): Create Vue App Your folder structure should now look like: Post-Vue Folder Structure
  3. You can run your Vue app by running cd app_name and then npm run serve: Run Vue Server
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/ to view your app in the browser: Welcome to Vue App

Right now, you can run both our Django project and our Vue app, but they run separately. We need to make it so our Vue app will run within our Django project.

Configuring Vue

By default, Vue outputs its code into the public/index.html file. We are going to change its configuration so that it outputs into a Django template instead. We will then be able to extend this template for any pages that we want to include Vue. Let’s get started:

  1. The first thing we will do is create Vue config file. Inside of vue-games, create a file called vue.config.js.
  2. Put the following code into vue.config.js: Vue Config File Here we have set the publicPath, the outputDir, and the indexPath. This configures where our app will be deployed (http://localhost:8080), where build files should go when we run npm run build (static/dist), and where our generated index file should go (templates/_base_vue.html). We also configure the dev server to output our index.html into its file (writeToDisk) rather than preserve it in memory. This allows our Django to access it.
  3. Create a static folder at the same level as games and then create a dist folder inside of it. When you build the app with npm run build for deployment, this is where the app files will go.
  4. Open djangovue_project/ and right below STATIC_URL = 'static/' add the following:
          BASE_DIR / 'static',
    This lets Django know where to find your static folder.
  5. We need to make some updates to our templates/_base.html so that our _base_vue.html can properly extend it: Update Base Template
  6. Now open vue-games/public/index.html. We are going to convert this into a Django template because Vue draws from this file to create the index file used to render Vue apps: Update Public Index Notice {{ block.super }}, which indicates that the content from the extended template block should be used there.
  7. Change math-game.html and anagram-game.html to extend _base_vue.html instead of _base.html. Update Anagram Template to Extend Vue Base

At this point, you can run both servers (in two separate terminals) and you should see that Vue is included on both game pages: Run Django ServerRun Vue ServerMath Game Running in ServerAnagram Game Running Django

However, notice that both the Math Game and the Anagram Game pages show the same Vue page. We want different Vue pages for each game. To set this up we are going to use Vue Router:

  1. You can stop both servers if you still have them running.
  2. Inside of vue-games/src create a new folder called apps.
  3. Inside of apps create two new Vue files: MathGame.vue and AnagramGame.vue: New Vue Apps
  4. In each of these files, you can add a very simple template. Something like: Math Game Vue template
  5. Now, open the terminal at the vue-games folder and run npm install vue-router@4 to install Vue Router in your Vue project. Instal Vue Router
  6. Inside of vue-games/src create a new file called router.js.
  7. Open router.js and write the following code to set up routes to your two apps: Set up Vue Router routers
  8. Now open vue-games/src/main.js. We need to import our router so that Vue knows to use it: Use Router
  9. Lastly, we need to update the contents of App.vue so that it knows to use our router as well: Make App use router

Now if you run the servers, you will be able to see our page-specific Vue for and Anagram Game VueMath Game Vue

Communicating Between Vue and Django

In order to fully take advantage of our Vue frontend, we need to be able to communicate to our Django backend. For this example, we will create extremely simplified versions of the Vue games that will update scores on the backend.

Creating the Django Model

So far, we haven't created any Django models, which represent how we store our data. We'll create a single GameScore model to store game scores, for which game the score was for, the name of the user who got the score, and the time the score was achieved:

  1. Open up games/
  2. Add the following code to add our four fields: Create GameScore Model Note that auto_now_add=True makes our created date field automatically be assigned to the current date and time when a new game score is added.
  3. Open the terminal and run python makemigrations to make a new migration file for our database: Make Migrations to add GameScore model
  4. Now run python migrate to add our model (as well as all the default models) to the database: Migrate models
  5. We successfully created our GameScore model, but let's make one small improvement. Currently, our game field is just a plain text field. Let's use the choices option to make it so, game can only be "MATH" or "ANAGRAM". Change games/ so that game uses choices: Improve GameScore Model
  6. Now run python makemigrations and python migrate to update the database: Migrations to update GameScore

Awesome! In order for Vue to update Django, we need a URL that it can post to. To set that up, we need a new Django view and URL.

Creating the Django View and URL

  1. Open up games/
  2. At the top of the file, add the following lines to import json and JsonResponse:
    import json
    from django.http import JsonResponse
    from games.models import GameScore
  3. Add a new function view called record_score: Record Score View This function view takes in a request, reads data from its body, creates a new GameScore instance with that data, and then returns a simple json response.
  4. Open up games/
  5. Import record_data from games.views.
  6. Add a new URL path that points to the record_score function: Record Score URL

Great! we have created a URL you can post to from your frontend to save a game score. Now let's update our Vue games so we can submit scores. To do this, we need to us Ajax.

Ajax and Vue

Ajax is a way for JavaScript in the frontend to communicate with the backend without refreshing the page. This is provided out of the box with the fetch() method or XMLHttpRequest, however there are additional libraries that can make this process even easier. I prefer axios.

Let's look at how to enable submitting game scores with Vue and axios!

  1. Open the terminal at vue-games and run npm install --save axios vue-axios. This installs axios and vue-axios, which is an additional library making it even easier to use axios with Vue.
  2. Open vue-games/src/main.js.
  3. At the top of the file import axios and vue-axios like this:
    import axios from 'axios';
    import VueAxios from 'vue-axios';
  4. Then, after the line where we have app.use(router);, we can add app.use(VueAxios, axios);: Use Axios
  5. Now, let's open our Math Game component (vue-games/src/apps/MathGame.vue) to update the template: Math Game template Here, we've added two inputs (a text input for username and a number input for score) and a button to record the score. The style element contains some styles to add a little bit of spacing: Math Game browser
  6. Now, we need to add a script tag to add functionality: Math Game recordScore script The most important pieces here are:
    1. The two data variables we've added to track the user name and score values (userName, score). We will connect these variables to our inputs in just a second.
    2. The recordScore method, which is an asynchronous (async) function using axios to send our user name and score data to the backend. Notice that we are also sending MATH for the game value because we need to indicate which game the score is for.
  7. We can use v-model and @click to connect our data to the inputs and make sure that we call recordData when the button is clicked. Math Game v-model
  8. It seems like we set up everything correctly to post to the URL, but if we go to the browser right now and try to submit a score, we will get an error: CSRF Error This is a Cross Site Request Forgery error and it is a safety precaution to prevent bad actors to write code that posts to our server from other websites.
  9. To fix this error, we need to do two things:
    1. Open templates/_base_vue.html and add {% csrf_token %} right above the {% endblock body %} tag. We will now be able to access this token to verify that our requests are coming from a website that we control.
    2. Open vue-games/src/main.js again and add the following above const app = createApp(App);:
      axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
      axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = "X-CSRFTOKEN";
      This code tells axios to include the CSRF token value with every request automatically. This means we don't need to add it for each request, which could get cumbersome.
    Now, if we reload the browser and try to submit the score again, it should work! CSRF Success
  10. Lastly, you can copy and paste the vue-games/src/apps/MathGame.vue code into vue-games/src/AnagramGame.vue to get the Anagram Game working as well. Just make sure to replace This is the math game Vue with This is the anagram game Vue, name: 'MathGame' with name: 'AnagramGame', and "game": "MATH" with "game": "ANAGRAM".

Congratulations! You have communicated from your Vue frontend to your Django backend!

Display Scores (Bonus)

We have already done the heavy-lifting to connect and communicate between Django and Vue. As a bonus end to this mini project, let's create a page that list the game scores!

  1. Open games/
  2. Create a new class view called GameScoreView.
  3. Set template_view to "game-scores.html".
  4. Create a new file called templates/games-scores.html.
  5. Add the following code to this file: Game Scores Template This code creates a lists for each game, making each game score entry appear in the following format:
    score (user_name - created_date)
  6. Go back to games/ and add the following get_context_data function inside of the GameScoresView:
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(GameScoresView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['anagram_scores'] = GameScore.objects.filter(game__exact='ANAGRAM').order_by('-score')
        context['math_scores'] = GameScore.objects.filter(game__exact='MATH').order_by('-score')
        return context
    This function make the anagram_scores and math_scores variables accessible inside of the templates/game-scores.html template. filter(game__exact=[Game Type]) is used to filter all the game score objects and order_by('-score') is used to sort by score in descending order (that's what the - does). In the end the view should look like: Game Scores View
  7. Open games/ and just like you've done before, import the new view and create a new path: Game Scores URL
  8. Lastly, you can go to templates/_base.html and a new link in the header to the Game Scores page: Game Scores Link

Woohoo! You're done! Now, test it out!

  1. Make sure both servers are running and go to your home page ( You'll see the new link to the Game Scores page. Final Home Page
  2. Navigate to the Math Game page and add a score under your name: Final Math Game Page
  3. Do the same for the Anagram Game: Final Anagram Game Page
  4. Finally, check out the scores on the Game Scores page: Final Game Scores Page


This article went through one way of integrating Vue into Django. I hope that you enjoyed it and found it helpful!

Written by Jared Dunn.