Resetting Your APEX Password

If you are locked out of your APEX account, you will may to reset the admin user's password. Here is the process:

Change the Administrator's password in SQL*Plus

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\apex.
  2. Type cmd over the folder path:
    cmd in c:/apex
    Press Enter to launch the command line.
  3. Log in to SQL*Plus:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
  4. Change the container to XEPDB1:
  5. Run @apxchpwd to change the password for the administrator. You will get three prompts:
    1. Enter the administrator's username [ADMIN]. Just press Enter to accept ADMIN as the username.
    2. Enter ADMIN's email []. Just press Enter to accept as the email.
    3. Enter ADMIN's password []. Enter the password you want to use for the APEX administrator. It needs to be somewhat complex (e.g., Webuc8tor++). Then, press Enter.

The SQL*Plus session will look like this:
sqlplus session


You can now close the command line tool and return to APEX in the browser to log in as the Administrator and change the password for the admin user.

  1. You will sign into the internal workspace as admin with the password you just set:
    internal workspace login
  2. Click Manage Workspaces:
    Manage Workspaces
  3. On the right, click the number above Workspace Users (3):
  4. Click ADMIN for the WEBUCATOR workspace. Make sure to click the right one!
  5. Change the password to admin in the Password and Confirm Password fields and then click Apply Changes:
  6. Sign out of the internal workspace:

You should then be able to sign back into your workspace as admin / admin:

Written by Nat Dunn. Follow Nat on Twitter.