.NET Framework Using C# (NET403)
Course Length: 4 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
This class is designed to provide a sound introduction to the .NET Framework for programmers who already know the C# language and the fundamentals of Windows Forms. The course focuses on core portions of the .NET Framework that are common across many application areas.
Course Benefits
- Gain a thorough understanding of the philosophy and architecture of .NET
- Acquire a working knowledge of the .NET programming model and .NET Security
- Implement multi-threading effectively in .NET applications
- Learn how to implement database applications using ADO.NET and LINQ
- Learn how to debug .NET applications using .NET diagnostic classes and tools
Course Outline
- .NET Fundamentals
- What is Microsoft .NET?
- Common Language Runtime
- CLR Serialization
- Attribute-Based Programming
- Interface-Based Programming
- Metadata
- Common Type System
- Framework Class Library
- Language Interoperability
- Managed Code
- Assemblies and Deployment
- Web Services
- Performance
- .NET Native
- .NET Core and Cross-platform Development
- XML Serialization
- Class Libraries
- Components in .NET
- Building Class Libraries at the Command Line
- Class Libraries Using Visual Studio
- Using References
- Assemblies, Deployment and Configuration
- Assemblies
- Private Assembly Deployment
- Shared Assembly Deployment
- Configuration Overview
- Configuration Files
- Programmatic Access to Configuration
- Using SDK Tools for Signing and Deployment
- Application Settings
- Metadata and Reflection
- Metadata
- Reflection
- Late Binding
- I/O and Serialization
- Directories
- Files
- Serialization
- Attributes
- .NET Programming Model
- Memory Management and Garbage Collection
- Asynchronous Delegates
- BackgroundWorker
- Application Domains
- .NET Threading
- Threading Fundamentals
- ThreadPool
- Foreground and Background Threads
- Synchronization
- Task Parallel Library
- .NET Security
- Authentication and Authorization
- Code Access Security
- Sandboxing
- Permissions
- Role-Based Security
- Principals and Identities
- Interoperating with COM and Win32
- .NET Client Calling a COM Server
- 64-bit System Considerations
- PInvoke
- ADO.NET Overview
- .NET Data Providers
- Connections
- Using LocalDB
- Commands
- DataReaders and Connected Access
- Data Sets and Disconnected Access
- Language Integrated Query
- Debugging Fundamentals
- Compile-time Errors and Run-time Errors
- Configuring Debug, Release, and Special Builds
- Visual Studio Debugger
- Just-In-Time Debugging
- Attaching Debugger to a Running Process
- Tracing
- Tracing
- Event Logs
- More About Tracing
- Using the BooleanSwitch and TraceSwitch Classes
- Print Debugging Information with the Debug Class
- Instrumenting Release Builds with the Trace Class
- Using Listeners
- Implementing Custom Listeners
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this C# class:
- The student should be an experienced application developer or architect with a working knowledge of C#, including building simple GUIs with Windows Forms.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors