Introduction to JavaScript Training (JSC101)
This course provides a thorough introduction to JavaScript, one of the core programming languages of the web, essential for creating interactive and dynamic web pages. It is designed for beginners and those looking to solidify their understanding of JavaScript fundamentals, covering everything from basic syntax to more advanced concepts like the Document Object Model (DOM) and event handling.
The course begins with JavaScript Basics, where you’ll learn about the differences between JavaScript and EcmaScript, the standards that govern JavaScript. You’ll also explore the HTML DOM, which is the interface through which JavaScript interacts with HTML elements. Topics include JavaScript syntax, accessing elements, and understanding where to write JavaScript code within an HTML document. You’ll also get hands-on practice with JavaScript objects, methods, and properties, including exercises on alerts, writing to the document, and changing the background color.
Next, you’ll dive into Variables, Arrays, and Operators. This lesson covers the fundamentals of JavaScript variables, highlighting its loosely typed nature. You’ll learn to use Google Chrome DevTools for debugging, store user-entered data, and work with variables through practical exercises. The lesson also introduces constants, arrays, and associative arrays, with exercises to practice working with array methods. You’ll explore JavaScript operators, including the modulus operator, and learn how to effectively use these operators in your code.
The JavaScript Functions lesson introduces you to both global and user-defined functions. You'll learn to write and work with functions, return values, and understand the scope of global objects and functions through exercises designed to reinforce these concepts.
Built-In JavaScript Objects are covered next, where you’ll explore commonly used objects like String
, Math
, and Date
. You’ll also learn to use helper functions and practice returning values such as the day of the week as a string through hands-on exercises.
The course then covers Conditionals and Loops, essential for controlling the flow of your JavaScript programs. You’ll learn about different types of conditionals, including switch/case and the ternary operator, as well as the concepts of truthy and falsy values. The lesson also covers loops, including while, do…while, for loops, and array methods like forEach()
, with exercises to solidify your understanding.
Event Handlers and Listeners are used to make web pages interactive, and this lesson teaches you how to use on-event handlers and the addEventListener()
method. You’ll learn about anonymous functions, capturing key events, and the benefits of event listeners, along with practical exercises like creating a typing test.
The HTML Document Object Model (DOM) lesson provides an in-depth exploration of how JavaScript interacts with HTML elements. You’ll learn about CSS selectors, the innerHTML property, and how to access and manipulate nodes, NodeLists, and HTMLCollections. Exercises include building a shopping list application, dynamically adding and removing list items, and preventing duplicates.
In the CSS Object Model lesson, you’ll discover how to change CSS properties with JavaScript, show and hide elements, and manipulate style properties such as measurements and font weights. You’ll also learn about custom data attributes and the classList property, with exercises on showing and hiding elements.
The course concludes with Errors and Exceptions, teaching you how to handle runtime errors and use structured error handling with try/catch blocks. You’ll practice these techniques through exercises that prepare you to debug and manage errors effectively in your JavaScript code.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in JavaScript, enabling you to build dynamic, interactive web pages, manipulate the DOM, handle events, and manage errors effectively. You’ll be well-prepared to take on more advanced JavaScript topics and further your web development skills.
- Master the fundamentals of JavaScript.
- Understand JavaScript syntax.
- Learn about objects, methods, and properties.
- Work with JavaScript variables to store data.
- Organize code by creating your own functions.
- Write flow control logic to handle real-life decisions and complex problems.
- Use loops to save time.
- Capture and manage events such as mouse clicks and page loads.
- Modify HTML and CSS on the fly with JavaScript.
- Handle and prevent JavaScript errors.
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.
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- JavaScript Basics
- The Name “JavaScript”
- What is ECMAScript?
- JavaScript Syntax
- Accessing Elements
- Dot Notation
- Square Bracket Notation
- Where Is JavaScript Code Written?
- JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties
- Variables, Arrays, and Operators
- JavaScript Variables
- A Loosely-Typed Language
- Google Chrome DevTools
- Variable Naming
- Storing User-Entered Data
- Constants
- Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Array Properties and Methods
- Playing with Array Methods
- JavaScript Operators
- The Modulus Operator
- The Default Operator
- JavaScript Variables
- JavaScript Functions
- Global Objects and Functions
- User-defined Functions
- Function Syntax
- Passing Values to Functions
- Returning Values from Functions
- Global Objects and Functions
- Built-In JavaScript Objects
- Helper Functions
- Conditionals and Loops
- Conditionals
-else if
Conditions- Short-circuiting
- Switch / Case
- Ternary Operator
- Truthy and Falsy
- Loops
Loop Syntaxdo while
Loop Syntaxfor
Loop Syntaxfor of
Loop Syntaxfor in
Loop Syntax
- Array:
- Event Handlers and Listeners
- On-Event Handlers
- The
- The
- The
Method - Capturing Key Events
- Benefits of Event Listeners
- Timers
- On-Event Handlers
- The HTML Document Object Model
- CSS Selectors
- Type Selectors
- Descendant Selectors
- Child Selectors
- Class Selectors
- ID Selectors
- Attribute Selectors
- The
Property - Nodes, NodeLists, and HTMLCollections
- Accessing Element Nodes
- Dot Notation and Square Bracket Notation
- Collections of Elements
- window is Implicit
- Accessing Elements Hierarchically
- Accessing Attributes
- Creating New Nodes
- Focusing on a Field
- Shopping List Application
- Manipulating Tables
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Object Model
- Changing CSS with JavaScript
- The style Property vs
- Hiding and Showing Elements
- Checking and Changing Other Style Properties
- Increasing and Decreasing Measurements
- Making
More Flexible - Custom data Attributes
- Gotcha with fontWeight
- Font Awesome
- classList Property
- Errors and Exceptions
- Runtime Errors
- Completely Unhandled Errors
- Globally Handled Errors
- Structured Error Handling
- Try/Catch
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Experience in the following is required for this JavaScript class:
Experience in the following would be useful for this JavaScript class:
- Programming experience
Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:
Private Class Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors
Self-Paced Course Self-Paced Course
- On Demand 24/7
- Readings
- Presentations
- Exercises
- Quizzes
- Full Year of Access
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