Data Analytics with R Training (RPR102)
Course Length: 3 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
R is a very popular, open-source environment for statistical computing, data analytics and graphics. This Data Analytics with R Training class introduces the R programming language to students. It covers language fundamentals, commonly used packages, plotting and data visualization and exploratory analysis with real world data.
Course Benefits
- Learn the basics of R and Rstudio.
- Import and manipulate tabular data with R.
- Conduct exploratory analysis.
- Generate rich graphics with GGPlot2.
Course Outline
- Introduction to R
- Downloading and Install R and RStudio
- Introduction to RStudio
- The R Environment
- Writing and Executing R Scripts
- Variables and Assignment
- R’s Working Directory
- Importing CSV Files
- Introduction to DataFrames
- Make Your First Plots!
- Exercise: Importing and Plotting Data
- Why “R for Data Science”?
- A brief history of R
- The Atomic Data Types
- Introduction to R Data Structures (Vectors and DataFrames) include named vectors here
- Indexing With Base R
- Introduction to Vectorized Calculations
- Stats 101: Getting Statistical Summaries
- Exercise: Indexing and Summarizing DataFrames
- Welcome to the Tidyverse
- What are R Packages?
- Introduction to the Tidyverse
- R is Functional
- The Primary Data Verbs: dplyr
- The Pipe Operator
- Coding Style
- Exercise: Manipulating DataFrames with dplyr
- Plotting with ggplot2
- Understanding the “Grammar of Graphics”
- Building Graphics by Pieces
- Understanding Geometries
- Linking Chart Elements to Variable Values
- Controlling Legends and Axes
- Exporting Graphics
- Exercise: Plotting with ggplot2
- Intermediate Data Management with dplyr
- Introduction to Tibbles and More on Importing Data
- Renaming Columns
- Adding New Columns (If-Else and Case-When)
- Binning data (Continuous to Categorical)
- Exercise: Building Data Pipes
- More Packages from the Tidyverse
- Dates and Times and the lubridate Package
- Factors with the forcats Package
- Exercise: Manipulating Dates and Times, and Building Factors
- Merging and Reshaping Data
- Merging DataFrames
- Concatenating DataFrames
- Reshaping DataFrames (Melt and Cast)
- Random Sampling From DataFrames
- Exercise: Merging and Reshaping Data
- Summarizing Data with a Group-By Analysis
- Adding Group-By to a Data Pipeline
- A Pivot Table is Like a Group-By
- A Cross-Tabulation is Like a Pivot Table
- Exercise: Implementing EDA of Categorical by Continuous Variables
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- How to Perform EDA
- Univariate EDA
- Multivariate EDA
- Exercise: Exploratory Data Analysis
- User-Defined Functions and Control Flow
- Functional Programming with dplyr
- Control Flow in R: Looping and Apply Functions
- EDA: Stanford Admissions Example
- Exercise: Creating User-Defined Functions
- Reproducible Reports with RMarkdown
- RMarkdown overview
- Elements of an Rmarkdown Notebook
- Parameterized Reports
- Exercise: Generating an Rmarkdown Report
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this R Programming class:
- Basic programming background.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors