PHP Training Setup
Whether you are using a PC with Windows or a Mac, you should install MAMP for the PHP course.
MAMP is a free distribution package that makes it easy to install Apache Web Server, PHP, and MySQL. Before installing MAMP, you should turn off any other web servers and instances of MySQL you have running on your computer.
These instructions will walk you through:
- Downloading MAMP.
- Running MAMP on Windows / Mac
- Downloading and unzipping the class files.
- Setting the MySQL password.
- Installing the poetree database.
- Testing your setup.
- Download, Install, and Set Up Visual Studio Code
Recommended Code Editor
While you may use a different editor or IDE, we highly recommend using Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code is an excellent IDE to learn to code on. It provides a nice balance of power and simplicity and it is available on Windows and Mac. When you have finished the instructions on this page, learn how to download, install, and set up VS Code (unless you have it installed already).
Downloading MAMP
- Download the latest version of MAMP. Be sure to choose the version for your operating system:
- Run the downloaded file (e.g., MAMP-MAMP-PRO-5.0.6.exe for Windows or for Mac) and click through the installation wizard.
- If prompted, you do not need to install MAMP PRO or Apple Bonjour.
- Accept the License Agreement.
- Accept all the defaults.
- Close the wizard when setup is finished.
Running MAMP on Windows
Be very careful to follow these steps exactly. MAMP can be finicky. If something goes wrong, often the easiest thing to do is uninstall MAMP and start the process over again.
To run MAMP on Windows...
- Navigate to C:\MAMP in Windows Explorer and open MAMP.exe. If you get a security alert, allow access. You should see a window like this one:
If the servers started up (indicated by the green dots next to Apache Server and MySQL Server), click the Stop Servers button.
- Open MAMP Preferences:
- Change the Apache port to 8888:
- Back on the main MAMP page, click the Start Servers button. If the servers do not start, go back to Preferences > Ports and change the MySQL port to 8889. Then try to start the servers again.
- Click on Open WebStart Page:
The following page should open in your browser:
If you run in any problems starting the servers, open mampapp.log from C:\MAMP\logs and see if you can identify the problem in the log.
Running MAMP on Mac
To run MAMP on Mac...
- Navigate to /Applications/MAMP in Finder and open If you get a security alert, allow access. You should see a window like this one:
Start the servers (Apache Server and MySQL Server) by clicking on Start.
- Click the Start button in the upper-right corner. The MAMP WebStart page should automatically open. If it does not, click the WebStart button in the upper-right corner. The following page should open in your browser:
- If you run into any problems starting the servers, review the logs in /Applications/MAMP/logs.
Class Files
- Download the class files...
- Windows users...
- Create a folder in C:\MAMP\htdocs named Webucator.
- Download the class files, found at the bottom of this page (or within your self-paced course), anywhere you like (e.g, the Downloads folder).
- Extract your class files into the new Webucator folder:
- Mac users...
- Create a folder in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs named Webucator.
- Download the class files, found at the bottom of this page (or within your self-paced course), into the new Webucator folder.
- Double click on the downloaded zip file to extract your class files into the new Webucator folder.
- Windows users...
- You can now delete the zip file.
- Rename the new folder to php:
- Windows:
- Mac:
- Windows:
- To test that your setup so far is correct, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8888/Webucator/php/. You should get a listing like this:
- Click PHPBasics, then click Demos, and then hello-world.php. You should get a page that looks like this:
Setting the MySQL Password
The PHP files use "pwdpwd" for the MySQL root password, while the default password used in MAMP is "root". In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin/.
Note: It is important to do these steps in the order specified.
- Click the mysql database on the left.
- Click the SQL tab at the top.
- Enter the following in the textbox under Run SQL query/queries on database mysql:
SET Password = 'pwdpwd'
- Click Go.
- You also need to update the password in phpMyAdmin:
- Windows: Open C:\MAMP\bin\phpMyAdmin5\ in your editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code). Note: If you don't see a phpMyAdmin5 folder, look for a phpMyAdmin folder.
- Mac: Open /Applications/MAMP/bin/phpMyAdmin5/ in your editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
- Change the password setting as shown below to 'pwdpwd'.
Installing the poetree Database
Use phpMyAdmin to install the poetree database used in class.
- Click on the Import tab heading
- Click the Choose File button.
- Browse to the poetree-db.sql file in your class files (C:\MAMP\htdocs\Webucator\php\setup\poetree-db.sql or /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/Webucator/php/setup/poetree-db.sql).
- Click Open:
- Click the Import button on the bottom left of the page.
- You should get a Success message and poetree should be added to your list of Databases.
Testing the Setup
Point your browser to http://localhost:8888/Webucator/php/Database/Solutions/ If you see a page like this, you're all set:
And that's it for MAMP
Happy MAMPing! Don't forget to go download, install, and set up VS Code (unless you have it installed already).
Courses, Courseware, and Class Files
This setup page is used for the following course and courseware:
- Introduction to PHP Training.
- All students should download the following class files:
This is for other training companies who are licensing Webucator courseware. If you are a student in a Webucator class, you should use one of the links above or (even better) the class files link on your company landing page or main class page. If you’re not sure, please email
- Courseware: Introduction to PHP.