Setup for Introduction to SQL Training using Oracle
Required Software
- Windows 10 or later.
- Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) - Free edition of Oracle RDBMS.
- Oracle SQL Developer - The client interface for connecting to Oracle.
Creating the Webucator Folder
The first step to setting up for your course is to create the folder in which you will store your class files: Create a new folder named Webucator wherever you want, but make sure you remember where it is.
Getting the Class Files for Introduction to SQL
Download the Introduction to SQL class files and unzip them into the Webucator folder. This will create a folder called ClassFiles.
Install Oracle Database Express Edition (XE)
Note that Oracle is large. Make sure you have enough space on your computer to install it.
- Download the latest version of Oracle Database Express Edition (XE). You will need to create an account on
- Follow the installation instructions under the Running the Installer heading here. Accept all the defaults. Be sure to set your password to system:
Install Oracle SQL Developer
- To decide which version of the installer you should download, check if you have the Java SE Development Kit 8 (Java Version 1.8.x) installed:
- Open the Command Prompt:
- Run java -version
- Open the Command Prompt:
- Download the latest version of SQL Developer.
- If you do not have the JDK 8 installed, choose the installer with JDK 8 included.
- If you do have JDK 8 installed, choose the installer that requires JDK.
- Follow the installation instructions on this page. We recommend extracting sqldeveloper to C:\Program Files\Oracle\ or C:\.
Install the Northwind Database
- Open SQL Developer by double clicking the sqldeveloper.exe file in the sqldeveloper folder.
- Connect to localhost using system / system for the username and password.
- Select File > Open and navigate to the Class Files you downloaded for this class. Open Northwind-Oracle.sql from the setup folder.
- Click the second green play button to run the script and install the database:
You should see a lot of statements fly by in the Script Output, ending with: - Next, create a new connection by clicking the green plus sign under Connections:
- Enter Northwind for the Connection Name, C##student for the Username, and student for the Password. Check Save Password. Then click Connect to connect.
- Test your setup by right-clicking on Northwind under Connections and selecting Open SQL Worksheet:
- Enter the following SQL query in the new worksheet:
SELECT * FROM Employees;
- Run the query by clicking on the left green triangle. You should get 9 rows in the Query Result:
Congratulations. You are all set for your course.