Setup for Introduction to Creating, Styling, and Validating Web Forms
Required Software
- PC: Windows 10 or later or Mac OS X Mountain Lion (version 10.8) or later
- Google Chrome
- Visual Studio Code.
Creating the Webucator Folder
The first step to setting up for your course package is to create the folder in which you will store most of your class files: Create a new folder named Webucatorwherever you want, but make sure you remember where it is. A good location would be the root of the C drive on Windows or the Documents folder on Mac.
Getting the Class Files
- Download the class files from within your course (see "Course Overview + Class Files" under Navigation in the upper left).
- Unzip the class files into the Webucatorfolder. This will create a new folder. Change the name of the folder to Forms.
Visual Studio Code
You will use Visual Studio Code for all the courses.
- Download Visual Studio Code for your operating system.
- Install Visual Studio Code.
- Create a folder somewhere on your computer for storing Visual Studio Code workspaces. Name the folder vs-code-workspacesor something similar.
- Open Visual Studio Code.
- From the File menu, select Save Workspace As…
- Save the workspace as Webucatorwithin the workspaces folder you created earlier:
- If Visual Studio Code’s Explorer panel isn’t open, open it by clicking the files icon in the upper left. Then click the Open Folder button:
- Select the Forms folder and click Add.
- You will now see the Forms folder in Visual Studio Code's Explorer panel (where you see HTML below):
You are ready to start the course.
Courses and Class Files
This setup page is used for the following course:
- Introduction to Creating, Styling, and Validating Web Forms.
- Self-paced students should download the following class files: