Mastering Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Training (SPR112)
Course Length: 4 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
This Mastering Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Training class introduces Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and the Netflix OSS suite as a way of deploying highly resilient and scalable RESTful services and web applications.
Course Benefits
- Create Spring Boot projects.
- Use databases and JPA in Spring Boot.
- Create RESTful services with Spring Boot.
- Deploy services that use Netflix Eureka, Hystrix, and Ribbon to create resilient and scalable services.
Course Outline
- Introduction to the Spring Framework
- What is the Spring Framework?
- Spring Philosophies
- Why Spring?
- Spring Modules
- Requirements and Supported Environments
- Using Spring with Servers
- Role of Spring Container
- Spring Example
- Avoiding Dependency on Spring
- Additional Spring Projects/Frameworks
- Summary
- Spring Annotation Configuration
- Spring Containers
- Annotation-based Spring Bean Definition
- Scanning for Annotation Components
- Defining Component Scope Using Annotations
- JSR-330 @Named Annotation
- JSR-330 @Scope
- Annotation-based Dependency Injection
- Wiring Bean using @Inject
- @Autowired - Constructor
- @Autowired – Field
- @Autowired - method
- @Autowired – Collection
- @Autowired – Maps
- @Autowired & @Qualifier with Constructors, Fields, and Methods
- @Autowired & Custom Qualifiers
- @Autowired & Simple Custom Qualifier Field
- @Autowired & Simple Custom Qualifier Method
- @Autowired & CustomAutowireConfigurer
- Dependency Injection Validation
- @Resource
- @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
- Summary
- Spring Framework Configuration
- Java @Configuration Classes
- Defining @Configuration Classes
- Loading @Configuration Classes
- Modularizing @Configuration Classes
- Qualifying @Bean Methods
- Trouble with Prototype Scope
- Configuration with Spring Expression Language
- Resolving Text Messages
- Spring Property Conversion
- Spring Converter Interface
- Using Custom Converters
- Spring PropertyEditors
- Registering Custom PropertyEditors
- Summary
- Introduction to Spring Boot
- What is Spring Boot?
- Spring Boot Main Features
- Spring Boot on the PaaS
- Understanding Java Annotations
- Spring MVC Annotations
- Example of Spring MVC-based RESTful Web Service
- Spring Booting Your RESTful Web Service
- Spring Boot Skeletal Application Example
- Converting a Spring Boot Application to a WAR File
- Externalized Configuration
- Starters
- The 'pom.xml' File
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin
- HOWTO: Create a Spring Boot Application
- Summary
- Spring MVC
- Spring MVC
- Spring Web Modules
- Spring MVC Components
- DispatcherServlet
- Template Engines
- Spring Boot MVC Example
- Spring MVC Mapping of Requests
- Advanced @RequestMapping
- Composed Request Mappings
- Spring MVC Annotation Controllers
- Controller Handler Method Parameters
- Controller Handler Method Return Types
- View Resolution
- Spring Boot Considerations
- Summary
- Overview of Spring Boot Database Integration
- DAO Support in Spring
- Spring Data Access Modules
- Spring JDBC Module
- Spring ORM Module
- DataAccessException
- @Repository Annotation
- Using DataSources
- DAO Templates
- DAO Templates and Callbacks
- ORM Tool Support in Spring
- Summary
- Using Spring with JPA or Hibernate
- Spring JPA
- Benefits of Using Spring with ORM
- Spring @Repository
- Using JPA with Spring
- Configure Spring Boot JPA EntityManagerFactory
- Application JPA Code
- "Classic" Spring ORM Usage
- Spring JpaTemplate
- Spring JpaCallback
- JpaTemplate Convenience Features
- Spring Boot Considerations
- Spring Data JPA Repositories
- Summary
- Introduction to MongoDB
- MongoDB
- MongoDB Features
- MongoDB's Logo
- Positioning of MongoDB
- MongoDB Applications
- MongoDB Data Model
- MongoDB Limitations
- MongoDB Use Cases
- MongoDB Query Language (QL)
- The CRUD Operations
- The
- find
- Method
- The
- findOne
- Method
- A MongoDB QL Example
- Data Inserts
- MongoDB vs Apache CouchDB
- Summary
- Working with Data in MongoDB
- Reading Data in MongoDB
- The Query Interface
- Query Syntax is Driver-Specific
- Projections
- Query and Projection Operators
- MongoDB Query to SQL Select Comparison
- Cursors
- Cursor Expiration
- Writing Data in MongoDB
- An Insert Operation Example
- The Update Operation
- An Update Operation Example
- A Remove Operation Example
- Limiting Return Data
- Data Sorting
- Aggregating Data
- Aggregation Stages
- Accumulators
- An Example of an Aggregation Pipe-line
- Map-Reduce
- Summary
- Spring Data with MongoDB
- Why MongoDB?
- MongoDB in Spring Boot
- Pom.xml
- Application Properties
- MongoRepository
- Custom Query Methods
- Supported Query Keywords
- Complex Queries
- Create JavaBean for Data Type
- Using the Repository
- Summary
- Spring REST Services
- Many Flavors of Services
- Understanding REST
- RESTful Services
- REST Resource Examples
- REST Services With Spring MVC
- Spring MVC @RequestMapping with REST
- Working With the Request Body and Response Body
- @RestController Annotation
- Implementing JAX-RS Services and Spring
- JAX-RS Annotations
- Java Clients Using RestTemplate
- RestTemplate Methods
- Summary
- Spring Security
- Securing Web Applications with Spring Security 3.0
- Spring Security 3.0
- Authentication and Authorization
- Programmatic v Declarative Security
- Getting Spring Security from Maven
- Spring Security Configuration
- Spring Security Configuration Example
- Authentication Manager
- Using Database User Authentication
- LDAP Authentication
- Summary
- Spring JMS
- Spring JMS
- JmsTemplate
- Connection and Destination
- JmsTemplate Configuration
- Transaction Management
- Example Transaction Configuration
- Producer Example
- Consumer Example
- Converting Messages
- Message Listener Containers
- Message-Driven POJO's Async Receiver Example
- Message-Driven POJO's Async Receiver Configuration
- Spring Boot Considerations
- Summary
- Microservices
- What is a "Microservice"?
- One Helpful Analogy
- SOA - Microservices Relationship
- ESB - Microservices Relationship
- Traditional Monolithic Designs and Their Role
- Disadvantages of Monoliths
- Moving from a Legacy Monolith
- When Moving from a Legacy Monolith
- The Driving Forces Behind Microservices
- How Can Microservices Help You?
- The Microservices Architecture
- Utility Microservices at AWS
- Microservices Inter-connectivity
- The Data Exchange Interoperability Consideration
- Managing Microservices
- Implementing Microservices
- Embedding Databases in Java
- Microservice-Oriented Application Frameworks and Platforms
- Summary
- Spring Cloud Config
- The Spring Cloud Configuration Server
- Why Configuration Management is Important
- Configuration Management Challenges in Microservices
- Separation of Configuration from Code
- Configuration Service
- How the Configuration Service Works
- Cloud Config Server Properties File
- Git Integration
- Properties
- Configuration Client
- Sample Client Config File
- Sample Client Application
- Dynamic Property Updates – Server
- Dynamic Property Update – Client
- Dynamic Property Update – Execute
- Summary
- Service Discovery with Netflix Eureka
- Service Discovery in Microservices
- Load Balancing in Microservices
- Netflix Eureka
- Eureka Architecture
- Communications in Eureka
- Time Lag
- Eureka Deployment
- Peer Communication Failure between Servers
- Eureka Server Configuration
- Eureka Client/Service
- Eureka Client Properties
- Spring Cloud DiscoveryClient Interface
- ServiceInstance JSON
- ServiceInstance Interface
- What about Services
- Eureka and the AWS Ecosystem
- Summary
- Load-Balancing with Netflix Ribbon
- Load Balancing in Microservices
- Netflix Ribbon
- Server-side load balance
- Client-side Load Balance
- Architecture
- Load Balance Rules
- RoundRobinRule
- AvailabilityFilteringRule
- WeightedResponseTimeRule
- RandomRule
- ZoneAvoidanceRule
- IPing Interface (Failover)
- Using Ribbon
- YAML Configuration
- Configuration Class
- Client Class
- Client Class Implementation
- Integration with Eureka (Service Discovery)
- Using Ribbon in the Amazon AWS Cloud
- Summary
- Application Hardening with Netflix Hystrix
- Netflix Hystrix
- Design Principles
- Design Principles (continued)
- Cascading Failures
- Bulkhead Pattern
- Circuit Breaker Pattern
- Thread Pooling
- Request Caching
- Request Collapsing
- Fail-Fast
- Fallback
- Using Hystrix
- Circuit Breaker Configuration
- Fallback Configuration
- Collapser Configuration
- Rest Controller and Handler
- Collapser Service (Part 1)
- How the Collapser Works
- Hystrix Monitor
- Enable Monitoring
- Turbine
- The Monitor
- Monitor details
- Summary
- Edge Components with Netflix Zuul
- Zuul is the Gatekeeper
- Request Handling
- Filters
- Filter Architecture
- Filter Properties
- filterType()
- filterOrder()
- shouldFilter()
- Run()
- Cancel Request
- Dynamic Filter Loading
- Filter Communications
- Routing with Eureka and Ribbon
- Summary
- Distributed Tracing with Zipkin
- Zipkin
- Zipkin Features
- Architecture
- The Collector
- Storage
- GUI Console
- Zipkin Console Homepage
- View a Trace
- Trace Details
- Dependencies
- Dependency Details
- Zipkin in Spring Boot
- Zipkin Configuration
- Summary
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this Spring class:
- Experience with Java development.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors