Comprehensive XML Training (XML501)
Course Length: 5 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
This comprehensive XML training class teaches students to create well-formed XML documents, to build sophisticated XML Schema for validating XML documents, and to build eXtensible Stylesheets (XSLs) for transforming XML documents into XHTML, and other XML structures.
Course Benefits
- Learn the basics of XML - a skill that can be applied across many programming languages.
- Learn to build XML Schema to validate XML documents.
- Learn to write XSLTs to transform XML documents into any arbitrary format.
Course Outline
- XML Basics
- What is XML?
- XML Benefits
- XML in Practice
- XML Documents
- A Simple XML File
- Editing an XML File (exercise)
- Recognizing XML (exercise)
- DTDs
- Well-formed vs. Valid
- The Purpose of DTDs
- Creating DTDs
- Validating an XML Document with a DTD
- Writing a DTD (exercise)
- XML Schema Basics
- The Purpose of XML Schema
- The Power of XML Schema
- A First Look
- Validating an XML Instance Document
- Simple-Type Elements
- Overview
- Built-in Simple Types
- Building a Simple Schema (exercise)
- User-derived Simple Types
- Restricting Element Content (exercise)
- Specifying Element Type Locally
- Nonatomic Types
- Adding Nonatomic Types (exercise)
- Declaring Global Simple-Type Elements
- Converting Simple-Type Element Declarations from Local to Global (exercise)
- Default Values
- Fixed Values
- Nil Values
- Complex-Type Elements
- Overview
- Content Models
- Complex Model Groups
- Occurrence Constraints
- Adding Complex-Type Elements (exercise)
- Declaring Global Complex-Type Elements
- Converting Complex-Type Elements from Local to Global (exercise)
- Mixed Content
- Defining Complex Types Globally
- Attributes
- Empty Elements
- Adding Attributes to Elements with Complex Content
- Adding Attributes to Elements with Simple Content
- Restricting Attribute Values
- Default and Fixed Values
- Requiring Attributes
- Adding Attributes to Elements (exercise)
- Reusing Schema Components
- Overview
- Groups
- Extending Complex Types
- Tying It All Together - XSD
- Tying it all Together
- Tying It All Together (exercise)
- Annotating XML Schemas
- Overview
- Annotating a Schema
- Annotating an XML Schema (exercise)
- Namespaces
- Overview
- Purpose of Namespaces
- Target Namespaces
- Default Namespaces
- Locally Declared Elements and Attributes
- Qualified Locals
- The XMLSchema-instance Namespace
- Using Multiple Namespaces
- XSLT Basics
- eXtensible Stylesheet Language
- The Transformation Process
- Performing the Transform
- An XSLT Stylesheet
- Whitespace
- Output Types
- Elements and Attributes
- XPath
- XPath in XSLT
- XPath Expression
- Path Expressions
- Node Test
- Axis
- Predicate
- Accessing Nodes (exercise)
- Abbreviated Syntax
- Accessing Nodes with Abbreviated Syntax (exercise)
- Understanding the Enhanced Data Model in XPath 2.0 and Beyond
- XPath Functions
- XPath Operators
- Using XPath Functions and Operators (exercise)
- Flow Control
- Looping in XSLT
- Looping with xsl:for-each (exercise)
- Sorting with XSLT
- Looping and Sorting (exercise)
- Conditions with XSLT
- Conditionals (exercise)
- Templates, Parameters, and Variables
- xsl:apply-templates
- Using xsl:apply-templates (exercise)
- xsl:call-template
- Passing Parameters
- Using xsl:call-template (exercise)
- Removing Content
- Template Modes
- Template Priority
- XSLT Variables
- Multiple Documents
- Including XSLTs
- Importing XSLTs
- Conflict Resolution
- Multiple Input and Output Documents
- Reusing Templates (exercise)
- Grouping and Keys
- Grouping
- Grouping Songs By Artist (exercise)
- Key Basics
- Creating a Simple Key (exercise)
- Improving Performance with Keys
- Improving Performance with Keys (exercise)
- Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Functions that Use Regular Expressions
- The xsl:analyze-string instruction
- Using xsl:analyze-string (exercise)
- User-defined Functions
- User-Defined Functions
- User-Defined Functions (exercise)
- Advanced XSLT Techniques
- Working with Namespaces
- Working with Numbered Lists
- Outputting Processing Instructions
- Copying Nodes
- Tying It All Together - XSLT
- Transforming the Business Letter (exercise)
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors