Introduction to XML Schema (XSD101)
Course Length: 2 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
This XML Schema training class teaches XML developers how to use XML Schema to define the structure of XML languages and how to validate XML documents against XML schemas.
Course Benefits
- Learn the purpose and power of XML Schema
- Learn to declare simple-type and complex-type elements
- Learn to derive custom types
- Learn to declare attributes
- Learn to annotate schemas
- Learn to understand namespaces
- Learn to work with multiple XML schema documents
Course Outline
- XML Schema Basics
- The Purpose of XML Schema
- The Power of XML Schema
- A First Look
- Validating an XML Instance Document
- Simple-Type Elements
- Overview
- Built-in Simple Types
- Building a Simple Schema (Exercise)
- User-derived Simple Types
- Restricting Element Content (Exercise)
- Specifying Element Type Locally
- Nonatomic Types
- Adding Nonatomic Types (Exercise)
- Declaring Global Simple-Type Elements
- Converting Simple-Type Element Declarations from Local to Global (Exercise)
- Default Values
- Fixed Values
- Nil Values
- Complex-Type Elements
- Overview
- Content Models
- Complex Model Groups
- Occurrence Constraints
- Adding Complex-Type Elements (Exercise)
- Declaring Global Complex-Type Elements
- Converting Complex-Type Elements from Local to Global (Exercise)
- Mixed Content
- Defining Complex Types Globally
- Attributes
- Empty Elements
- Adding Attributes to Elements with Complex Content
- Adding Attributes to Elements with Simple Content
- Restricting Attribute Values
- Default and Fixed Values
- Requiring Attributes
- Adding Attributes to Elements (Exercise)
- Reusing Schema Components
- Overview
- Groups
- Extending Complex Types
- Schema Keys
- Annotating XML Schemas
- Overview
- Annotating a Schema
- Annotating an XML Schema (Exercise)
- Namespaces
- Overview
- Purpose of Namespaces
- Target Namespaces
- Default Namespaces
- Qualified Locals
- Using Multiple Namespaces
- Locally Declared Elements and Attributes
- The XMLSchema-instance Namespace
- Tying It All Together - XSD
- Tying It All Together (Exercise)
- Tying it all Together
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this XML class:
- Basic XML
Prerequisite Courses
Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:
Follow-on Courses
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors